Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Guide to Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature
A Guide to Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. Identity theft is a very big issue for elderly individuals. Students need to be careful about posting on social networking. Problems related to drugs are somewhat contradictive. Having selected a fantastic topic to argue about, at this point you need to make an argumentative essay outline. The more information you'll be able to gather about the subject, the better prepared you'll be for writing your essay. So locating the finest persuasive essay topics is vital. There are several good persuasive essay topics to pick from. Argumentative writings is a particular kind of a paper. Persuasive essay examples may be available online, and you may consult them anytime once you lack inspiration or have very little idea of where to begin with your own paper. Persuasive essays share a good deal of resemblance with argumentative essays. Every argumentative essay ought to have an opposing view which can help you to prove you're right. Usage of armed weapons ought to be banned throughout the world. The government should have total control over the media. Nowadays, it has turned into one of the most exciting topics for research papers for everybody, including students. Biological weapons shouldn't be allowed. Parents need to speak to their children about drugs at a youthful age. They must be responsible for providing a healthy diet. They should talk to kids about drugs at a young age. In order to get children, both parents ought to be certified. If you would like to write an exemplary nature vs nurture essay, you ought to take into account all its aspects. Needless to say, some essays are read by means of a committee, others are declared facing the entire class. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Overall, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. Then you're interested in figuring out how to compose persuasive paper. Reading further, you will realize that the report claims that certain genes control sensitivity to somebody's environment. Explain Concepts Clearly Students generally tend to suppose that the audience would already know about a particular concept that is wrong. The teachers don't always assign the specific topic. The Battle Over Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature and How to Win It Deciding upon the correct topic for a persuasive speech may be not such an easy issue to do as it might seem. Developing a title is among the hardest things that student m ight deal with. MP3 music ought to be free. By reading our samples, you receive a general idea about this issue and draw a generalized picture of the issue. The question might be part of your introduction, or it may make an excellent title. Discussing something which you are familiar isn't only more fun but also a great deal simpler. A whole lot of students have a tendency to find writing a persuasive essay a little challenging because of the essence of the essay and its dynamics. Construction plans must incorporate an environment-section. Why you must make considerable modifications to the way that you live your life day by day and the situations you consume to make certain that you leave behind a world your descendants may enjoy. Many students think that it is a waste of time. Some feel parents ought to be allowed to provide permission for their minor children to have tattoos, since they are making the decision for their own children. The Appeal of Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature Unlike topics for middle school or higher school, superior college topics are somewhat more challenging to discover. Students and teachers can buy balanced lunch and drinks aside from alcohol, that lets them feel nice and study much better. School should occur in the evenings. Every school has to have a sex education class. The Good, the Bad and Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature A conclusion is, without a doubt, the most significant portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the superior impression or destroy it entirely. Most academic essay topics usually ask you to select a side in an argument or maybe to defend a specific side against criticism. You should do some sound studying to back up your argument. Always be certain you add strong parts of evidence to justify your perspectives and opinions so that your conclusive remarks are somewhat more impactful, motivating the reader to do in a particular way. Normally, having three key arguments to show your point is sufficient for a convincing paper. Yet another example involves the description of each aspect in its turn. When you're selecting an essay topic, it is necessary to choose one which has lots of information and statistics to strengthen your standpoint, and don't exaggerate any info which you've chosen to write about. Still, figuring out the ideal topic for your essay isn't your only concern for a student.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Reasons Behind The War On Drugs - 1365 Words
This paper aims to elaborate the significant reasons behind the war on drugs between the Mexican government and the drug cartels in Mexico and examine the impact of this conflict on Mexico and on US National Security. Drug Trafficking or any other illegal activity related to drug Cartels and gangs pose an imminent threat to the Mexican governance because of the corruption and the violence they generate. Illegal drugs affect not only Mexico but also the U.S in terms of trafficking and consumption. The Mexican government has always taken many initiatives to fight this threat and the pressure of the U.S has put the Mexican government in a complex situation with no other alternative than to continue to fight. The war on drugs in Mexico took a different turn when President Calderon took office in 2006. He implemented the Merida Initiative, a bi-lateral anti-narcotics initiative funded by the US and Mexico. Since the Mexican government has declared the war on drugs, its impact on the natio n has been profound and the violence it generated has even crossed the border. The urge to create a safe environment for socio-economic development and to decrease violence linked to drug trafficking in the US are two significant reasons behind the war on drug in Mexico through the Merida Initiative. Moreover, the militarization of security strategies in Mexico to combat drugs has resulted in an increase in violence and human rights violations in the nation. It has also threatened the US borderShow MoreRelatedThe War On Drug: Reasons Behind The Criminalisation of Drugs and Functions of Crime In Society1255 Words  | 6 PagesThe War On Drug: Reasons Behind The Criminalisation of Drugs and Functions of Crime In Society The history of the War on Drugs in the United States can be traced back to 1914 with the Harrison Act, the first recorded law to ban the domestic distribution of drugs, as the cornerstone of the criminalisation of drugs in America (McNamara, 2011). However the popularisation of the criminality of drug use was when President Richard Nixon coined the term ‘War on Drugs’ in 1971 (Provine, 2011, p.45). 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She considers the scope and impact of this current law enforcement, legal and penal activity to be comparable with that of the Jim Crow laws of the 19th and 20th centuriesRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States871 Words  | 4 Pages In the United States crime rates have been on a decline for years, but the United States still has the largest number of people incarcerated in the world. The â€Å"war on drugs†as well as policy’s by the government to be â€Å"tough on crime†has lead to the uprising of corporate prisons, which are known as for-profit prisons, and private prisons. Private prisons have also lead to States, and federal prisons to become worse when it comes to programs to rehabilitate those who are incarcerated, so thatRead MoreStatistics Have Shown That Three Out Of Every Four Black1076 Words  | 5 Pagesselling, and or handling of drugs (Kerby, 2012). Regardless of the evidence that shows that all races are equally susceptible and apart from the drug epidemic, African Americans have been number one in charts. In the article â€Å"The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drug s Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste†, Michelle Alexander discusses how to this day African-Americans remain as the most prominent target of America. Alexander acknowledges how the rising drug war has labeled African AmericansRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration819 Words  | 4 Pagesimpact on people of color as The New Jim Crow. She also attaches significant to the racial dimensions of the â€Å"War on Drugs†because the convictions for drug offenses are only the most important cause of the explosion in incarceration rates in the United States. This argues that federal drug policy inequity targets groups of color, keeping millions of young, black men in a vicious cycle behind the bars. In the beginning, she develops her argument by briefly laying a foundation of the history of racializedRead MoreThe Secret Identity Of Batman863 Words  | 4 Pagescomes to our minds when we hear this name. The Bruce Wayne that I think of grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania, one of the poorest cities in the nation. At sixteen years old he was arrested and convicted for selling drugs, despite the prosecutors’ inability to prove that he was in possession of drugs, with intent to sell, during the time of his arrest. Twenty-two years later, in 2014, Bruce Wayne was finally released from prison. He was incarcerated during the years that usually sculpt constituents into goodRead MoreWar On Drugs : A Comparative Analysis Of Human Rights Violation1339 Words  | 6 PagesDorce Richard Stahler-Sholk PLSC 367 07 April 2016 War on drugs or a war on people ? A comparative analysis of human rights violation in Latin America Ever since the War on Drugs campaign began there has been a more complex relationship between the U.S and Latin America. While the media portrays the U.S as providing aid to Latin America to combat such issues, the U.S is also seen as a victim in the war on drugs. Over the course of the war on drugs numerous human rights violations have been reportedRead MoreHigher Percentage of Minority Inmates1696 Words  | 7 Pagesjust put people behind bars and expects that everything will be fine, when in reality it isn’t because now the jails are becoming overcrowded. Dealing with the drug war, racial profiling, and people growing up in low-income neighborhoods and high-poverty rates, minorities have a higher inmate ratio but the drug war is the greatest cause of why the minority inmate ratio is so high. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
The Concept of Royal Prerogative
Question: The royal prerogative is undemocratic as it allows ministers to exercise governmental powers without the consent of Parliament. Discuss Answer: The concept of Royal prerogative is very difficult to define adequately. Still it can be defined as the remaining part of the original authority of the Crown and therefore, this term is used for the rest of the discretionary powers left with the Crown, regardless of the fact if such powers are used by the King or by his Ministers. At this point, it needs to be mentioned that Crown has not been used for referring to the monarch, who uses personal prerogatives, but it also refers to the central government or in other words the Ministers who use the executive prerogatives in the name of the Crown. There are numerous significant matters that are done by the Ministers by using the executive prerogative powers. First of all, while conducting the foreign affairs, which include recognition of States, appointment of ambassadors and the relationship between the UK government and the governments of other countries, the ministers use these prerogative powers. In the same way, the Ministers also have the responsibility to make and ratify the treaties. The stages have a significant impact on the rights enjoyed by the citizens for example the treaties related with the European Union. In the same way, the government may also control, organize and deploy the military of the country by using these prerogative powers. In the same way, the Prime Minister may also use these prerogative powers for the purpose of appointing Ministers, senior judges and civil servants. At the same time, the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill provides the statutory basis for managing the civil services by the Minister when it mentions that the Minister for Civil Services enjoys the authority of managing the civil services (apart from the diplomatic service), still the prerogative powers may be present in this area without any inconsistency. For example in R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority the police force was provided with plastic baton rounds and CS gas the Home Secretary without the consent of the local police Authority. In this regard, the Court came to the conclusion that as in this case, the prerogative has been exercised for the subjects, the supply of weapons has been made to do everything that is reasonably necessary for keeping the Queen's peace. However there is a difference between executive prerogative and personal prerogative. The personal prerogative is exercised only by the monarch and not by the Ministers. On the other hand, the executive prerogative powers are generally exercised by the Ministers either on behalf of the Crown or in their own right. In this way, the executive prerogative powers are the set of powers that is generally subjected to debate and scrutiny. Some of the well-known examples of the executive prerogative powers include the deployment of armed forces overseas and the declaration of war. Another example of these powers can be the conduct of diplomacy at home and overseas, the appointment of owners, judicial posts, peerages etc. However, against the popular belief, the use of prerogative powers by the ministers is not unlimited these days. As a result, there is extensive control and scrutiny that takes place by the courts and also by the Parliament. As a result of the fact that these days, a lot of prerogative powers are used by the Ministers of the government, the Parliament has also started to act as one of the main sources that provide control and scrutiny in case of the use of these powers by the Ministers. In this regard, the Public Administration Select Committee has mentioned that the Parliament is not completely powerless when it comes to the significant prerogatives. It has also been recognized since long that the Parliament enjoys the power of abolishing, amending or restricting the prerogative powers with the help of an Act of Parliament, either expressly or through necessary implication. At the same time, it is also available to the Parliament to place a relegated power on statutory basis if there is a need under the particular circumstances. In this way, the power will directly fall within the jurisdiction of the Parliament and therefore, every type of control and security can be applied by the Parliament in such a case. In this way, an attempt can be made to make the minister who is exercising these arbitrary powers, as accountable as can be possible under the circumstances. In the same way, when the expenditure of funds is also involved in the use of prerogative powers, another control mechanism is available to the Parliament in case of executive prerogative powers of the Ministers. The notion behind this control mechanism is very simple, unless the activities can be funded, no realistic benefit will be there to act. For example, in case of the power to declare war, one of the powers that is generally referred to as the most important prerogative powers, it can be said that this power can be exercised by the government if it considers fit. But it also needs to be noted in this regard that without the support of the Parliament, in the form of providing funds for the troops and supplies, it will not be possible to go into the war. Due to the reason that the prerogative powers have been devolved from the Crown and these powers are exercised by the Ministers of the government, the prerogative powers have been subject to considerable scrutiny mechanisms of t he Parliament. At this point, it also needs to be mentioned that all the Ministers of the government are responsible to the Parliament for their actions, including the use of prerogative powers by them. As a result, there are different types of scrutiny that has to be faced by the use of prerogative powers by the ministers. The most significant sources of such signal to be include the Departmental Select Committees. At the same time, it also needs to be noted that the Prime Minister is also covered by this scrutiny as during the recent years, he has agreed to be subjected to the questioning by the Liaison Committee. Apart from the control and scrutiny by the Parliament, the use of prerogative powers by the Ministers is also subject to judicial control. The reason that they prerogative powers have their basis under the common law; traditionally the courts have played a role in controlling and recently even in scrutinizing the use of these powers by the Ministers. This role of the courts has been significantly established by the Case of Proclamations (1611). It was held by the judges of the common law courts in this case that they have the right to decide the limits of Royal Prerogative. Therefore whenever the exercise of a prerogative power is challenged by any person, the courts has to recognize this power. In this way, the courts can also define the limits and at the same time, decide the presence of any alleged prerogative power. It also needs to be mentioned in this regard that although these prerogative powers have been created during the times that were usually different from the modern times, still they have evolved in purpose and also the way in which these powers are being exercised by the Ministers. Therefore in the end, it can be said that while on the surface it appears that satisfactory scrutiny and control mechanisms are already present in case of the exercise of relative powers by the ministers. But a closer scrutiny reveals that sometimes there can be significant inadequacies present in this regard. The reason is that in the modern political climate, where the politics has become significantly partisan, the city would need methods that are used by the parliament in this regard may not prove to be as effective as required. These days, there is an increasing trend among the members of Parliament to vote according to their party politics. This has a direct impact on the mechanisms that are used by the Parliament to use voting as the scrutiny mechanism regarding the exercise of delegated powers by the Ministers. On the other hand, the judicial mechanisms have been strengthened after the implementation of the Human Rights Act. At the same time, the weaknesses present in this regard are not only the weaknesses that exist in case of the control and scrutiny over the use of executive prerogative powers by the ministers, but weaknesses are the flaws that are present in the political system in its entirety. Bibliography Alder, J Constitutional and Administrative Law, 7th Edition 2009 , London: Pearson Bradley and Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edn (Pearson Education Ltd, 2007) Bradley, A.W. and Ewing, K.D. Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edition 2007 Harlow, Pearson Longman Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 10th Edn (London:Macmillan, 1959) Case Law BBC v Johns [1964] 2 WLR 1071 Case of Impostitions (1606) 2 St Tr 371 Case of Proclamations (1611) Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374 Madzimbamuto v Lardner-Burke (1969) AC 645 R v Secretary of State for Home Affairs, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority [1988] 2 WLR 590 Alder, J Constitutional and Administrative Law, 7th Edition 2009 , London: Pearson Bradley, A.W. and Ewing, K.D. Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edition 2007 Harlow, Pearson Longman R v Secretary of State for Home Affairs, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority [1988] 2 WLR 590 Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 10th Edn (London:Macmillan, 1959) Bradley and Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edn (Pearson Education Ltd, 2007) Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374 BBC v Johns [1964] 2 WLR 1071 Madzimbamuto v Lardner-Burke (1969) AC 645 Case of Impostitions (1606) 2 St Tr 371
Sunday, December 1, 2019
International Relationships with Oil
Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Kazakhstan Visits by top United States officials to Kazakhstan elicited reactions from the Russian authorities that the west was trying to lure away its partners. However, this was dismissed by Rice, the US Secretary of State, during her visit with Kazakh foreign minister. Washington was seeing Kazakhstan’s economic potential in expanding the economic capability of central Asia.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on International Relationships with Oil specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kazakhstan had tried to balance its international relations by being in good books with Russia apart from connecting with the west for expansion of oil exports. The war between Russia and Georgia prompted Moscow’s allies to reconsider their ties with both Russia and the west. Although there were a lot of expectations on Rice’s agenda as she visited Kazakhstan, no serious agreements were expected to be arrived at between the United States and Kazakhstan despite America having invested heavily in the Kazakhstan’s economy’s oil money. After Kazakhstan being appointed the chairman of the organization for security and Cooperation in Europe, international stakes were raised as far as democracy and human right dealings are concerned. During September 2010, South Korea reported its intentions to ban both oil and gas investments in Iran. This was a way of collaborating with the U.S, United Nations and other nations in placing sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear plan. South Korea further prohibited any other business transactions between it and Iran. This was despite Iran being one of the largest suppliers of oil to South Korea. Later on the Korean government announced that transactions not attributed to the Iranian nuclear program will go on as well as importation of oil. This was to lead to the paralysis of Iran’s bank Mellat that was said to hav e been involved in transactions entailing the development of the nuclear program. The transactions involving oil business between Iran and Korea were to be conducted via Iran’s central bank. With sanctions taking effect, both Hyundai and Kia Motors had to cease exportation of their products to Iran in July 2010. After some time, the Korean government stopped its engineering firms from winning orders in Iran as oil importing organizations were allowed to continue operating.Advertising Looking for report on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from suspending bank Mellat’s financial transactions between Korea and Iran, it was further revealed that the bank was now required to be accountable to the Korean authority regarding each foreign transaction that it engaged in. this was to be enforced even after suspension was over. Israeli’s prime minister also recommended that the United Na tions and the world as a whole should not import refined petroleum from Iran as a way of sanctioning the former to prevent it from developing a nuclear program. The Israeli prime minister emphasized the need for the United States to lead other nations in hindering the success of Iran’s nuclear program. Tony Blair likened the current worries about development of a nuclear plant in Iran to the worries that led to eruption of war between Iraq and the United States. Israeli has pressured the US to impose sanctions that will disable Iran’s operations. However, the Obama administration responded saying that their intention was to put pressure on the Iran government and not the people. Israeli fears that the development of Iran’s nuclear weaponry may threaten the security of the region and has hinted military action if diplomacy does not seem to work. This is despite Iran’s claims that their program is geared towards increasing oil exports rather than engaging i n military. The EU and US sanctions against Iran thwarted plans by three Indian based companies to begin a gas based project in Iran. It was not possible to access both funding and US liquefaction technology to enable them move on with the project. The recently adopted UN Security Council Resolution prohibits sale of heavy weaponry to Iran but does not hamper investment in the country’s energy sector. The US sanctions on the other hand restricts a more than $20 million energy investment in Iran by a foreign nation. Iran – Africa Relationship In a two day Iran – African summit in Tehran, the Iranian president expressed optimism that the relationship between Africa and Iran was going to be strengthened have a lot in common. The summit was aimed at devising means of enlarging the political and economic relations between Iran and Africa.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on International Relationships with Oil specifically for you for on ly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Malawian president envisioned expedient developments between Iran and Africa that could lead to establishment of numerous Iranian firms in Africa. Iran has in the past invested in Senegal, Nigeria and Sudan. Whereas Iran opened a car assembly line in Senegal, plans are underway to help Nigeria generate electricity from nuclear energy. Iran shares strong ties with Sudan than any other African nation. This ranges from signing a military agreement between the two nations in 2008 to plans concerning opening a Saipa Motor factory in Sudan and its neighboring countries. In an attempt to both remain relevant in global issues and get over its alienation from the west, Iran works to concentrate on its ties with China besides Africa. Although China is reported to be in support of the UN sanctions towards Iran, the relationship between China and Iran is said to be motivated by China’s demand for oil and gas resources and Iran’s demand for the Chinese technology. Although, there have been calls from western governments urging China to cut its economic and energy relations with Iran, China has always dismissed this. EU’s further sanctions to Iran and reactions from other nations A move by Turkey and Brazil to vote against the UN Security Council’s fourth round of sanctions surprised the US in a move that seemed to be Iran’s new strategy of dealing with its isolation by the west. Despite opposition from Cyprus, Germany and Sweden, the EU calls for additional sanctions to those earlier agreed upon in New York. The sanctions prohibit new investment, technical aid, and movement of know how, equipment and services. The Iranian president dismissed them all. It is also reported that Spain was in full support of the new sanctions. After several months of diplomatic efforts for China to lower its stand on both the United Nations and European Union regarding Iran’s nuclear program, an agreement wa s reached with not only China, but also other nations that were previously opposed to it. After sometime, the sanctions had a negative economic impact on Iran although the Iranian president denied this reality.Advertising Looking for report on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This not withstanding, Iran is known for exportation of oil but it imports gasoline. Plans are underway to reconfigure its industries to manufacture gasohol so as to benefit from the Washington market that is likely to be due as from July. Ecuador has been asking for donor support to help it protect its Yasuni jungle that is endowed with oil deposits. This aimed at not only combating global warming, but also preserving the Amazon. The funds were to be administered by the United Nations Development Program. Chile, Germany and Spain were expected to be among the first donors to respond. Incase the estimated amount ($ 100 million) is not raised by 2011, Ecuador reserves the right to refund the donors without interest as well as go ahead with its oil extraction plan. Contributions are aimed at enhancing conservation, reforestation and poverty reduction, fuel efficiency and creation of alternative energy sources. Changes in the global energy map Facts reveal that the top producers of oil in 2009 were Saudi Arabia, US, Russia, China and Iran while the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran were the global leaders in oil exports. The world’s biggest deposits of oil sand are in Canada and Venezuela. The leading gas producers are Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United States. Trade in Liquefied Natural Gas has taken a global perspective with Australia expected to lead in exportation. As far as coal energy is concerned, China leads in production, America tops in reserves while Australia leads in exports. China-Russia Trade Relations Although China and Russia are to complete talks on gas supplies next year, the two have resolved to put up a $ 5 billion refinery in China. Majority of the supplies will be from Russia and the rest from Arab nations. Moreover, China is planning to collaborate more with Russia in areas like coal, gas, oil and nuclear energy. Additionally, Russia and China are swapping their bilateral trade roles. Previously, Russia sold raw materials, cars and machinery to China but is lately importing Chinese finished products as it sells raw materials to China. Under recently endorsed deals, China will be importing both oil and coal from Russia. There was a symbolic installation of pipeline between Russia and China which is expected to be effected from January 2011. It is also reported that Russia’s decision to focus on China may weaken its economic ties with Europe, a major consumer of Russian oil and gas. This may lead to disagreements on oil and gas prices. Other latest developments Bangladesh is planning to limit the entry of old Kuwait’s petrol vessels on safety and environmental grounds due to oil spillage. This happens despite Kuwait being the major supplier of oil to Bangladesh. Elsewhere, Inpex corp, a Japanese oil developing firm has decided to pull out from its development projects with Iran’s Azadegan oil field. The decision will cause Japan to reevaluate its energy p lan and resource diplomacy in the Middle East. The move meant that Inpex is not on the list of companies subject to the US sanctions. The decision was made by the Japanese government after Iran had directed more investment in the Azadegan project, yet this project was too risky. Russia is in the process of changing its economy from resource-based to innovation-oriented. It was reported that Russia and China have the potential to cooperate in both the energy sector and financial services. There has been an ongoing currency war for production of commodities such as gold and oil, among others. Occasionally, there have been diverse proposals on currency including Iran’s oil Bourse but in the long run, most commodities are traded in dollars. In a more recent incident, a new atmosphere has been created to encourage foreign industries and the private sector to invest in Iran’s economy. Russia has been the first to express interest in investing in Russia’s energy sector , infrastructural industry and air transport. Additionally, after several months of the US sanctions towards Iran have been in place, South Korea announced new mechanisms of resuming oil trade with Iran. The move was meant at allowing Iran to deposit proceeds from oil in two of South Korean banks: Woori bank and the Industrial bank of Korea. Conclusion Oil has affected international relations both positively and negatively. In the positive sense, China-Russia, and Iran-Africa ties have been strengthened but negatively, US-Iran, Kuwait-Bangladesh, US-China, and Korea-Iran ties, among many others have been weakened. Oil has also affected the political relations both within a nation and its relations with others. This report on International Relationships with Oil was written and submitted by user F1sher to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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