Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Guide to Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature
A Guide to Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. Identity theft is a very big issue for elderly individuals. Students need to be careful about posting on social networking. Problems related to drugs are somewhat contradictive. Having selected a fantastic topic to argue about, at this point you need to make an argumentative essay outline. The more information you'll be able to gather about the subject, the better prepared you'll be for writing your essay. So locating the finest persuasive essay topics is vital. There are several good persuasive essay topics to pick from. Argumentative writings is a particular kind of a paper. Persuasive essay examples may be available online, and you may consult them anytime once you lack inspiration or have very little idea of where to begin with your own paper. Persuasive essays share a good deal of resemblance with argumentative essays. Every argumentative essay ought to have an opposing view which can help you to prove you're right. Usage of armed weapons ought to be banned throughout the world. The government should have total control over the media. Nowadays, it has turned into one of the most exciting topics for research papers for everybody, including students. Biological weapons shouldn't be allowed. Parents need to speak to their children about drugs at a youthful age. They must be responsible for providing a healthy diet. They should talk to kids about drugs at a young age. In order to get children, both parents ought to be certified. If you would like to write an exemplary nature vs nurture essay, you ought to take into account all its aspects. Needless to say, some essays are read by means of a committee, others are declared facing the entire class. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Overall, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. Then you're interested in figuring out how to compose persuasive paper. Reading further, you will realize that the report claims that certain genes control sensitivity to somebody's environment. Explain Concepts Clearly Students generally tend to suppose that the audience would already know about a particular concept that is wrong. The teachers don't always assign the specific topic. The Battle Over Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature and How to Win It Deciding upon the correct topic for a persuasive speech may be not such an easy issue to do as it might seem. Developing a title is among the hardest things that student m ight deal with. MP3 music ought to be free. By reading our samples, you receive a general idea about this issue and draw a generalized picture of the issue. The question might be part of your introduction, or it may make an excellent title. Discussing something which you are familiar isn't only more fun but also a great deal simpler. A whole lot of students have a tendency to find writing a persuasive essay a little challenging because of the essence of the essay and its dynamics. Construction plans must incorporate an environment-section. Why you must make considerable modifications to the way that you live your life day by day and the situations you consume to make certain that you leave behind a world your descendants may enjoy. Many students think that it is a waste of time. Some feel parents ought to be allowed to provide permission for their minor children to have tattoos, since they are making the decision for their own children. The Appeal of Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature Unlike topics for middle school or higher school, superior college topics are somewhat more challenging to discover. Students and teachers can buy balanced lunch and drinks aside from alcohol, that lets them feel nice and study much better. School should occur in the evenings. Every school has to have a sex education class. The Good, the Bad and Persuasive Essay Topics about Nature A conclusion is, without a doubt, the most significant portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the superior impression or destroy it entirely. Most academic essay topics usually ask you to select a side in an argument or maybe to defend a specific side against criticism. You should do some sound studying to back up your argument. Always be certain you add strong parts of evidence to justify your perspectives and opinions so that your conclusive remarks are somewhat more impactful, motivating the reader to do in a particular way. Normally, having three key arguments to show your point is sufficient for a convincing paper. Yet another example involves the description of each aspect in its turn. When you're selecting an essay topic, it is necessary to choose one which has lots of information and statistics to strengthen your standpoint, and don't exaggerate any info which you've chosen to write about. Still, figuring out the ideal topic for your essay isn't your only concern for a student.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Reasons Behind The War On Drugs - 1365 Words
This paper aims to elaborate the significant reasons behind the war on drugs between the Mexican government and the drug cartels in Mexico and examine the impact of this conflict on Mexico and on US National Security. Drug Trafficking or any other illegal activity related to drug Cartels and gangs pose an imminent threat to the Mexican governance because of the corruption and the violence they generate. Illegal drugs affect not only Mexico but also the U.S in terms of trafficking and consumption. The Mexican government has always taken many initiatives to fight this threat and the pressure of the U.S has put the Mexican government in a complex situation with no other alternative than to continue to fight. The war on drugs in Mexico took a different turn when President Calderon took office in 2006. He implemented the Merida Initiative, a bi-lateral anti-narcotics initiative funded by the US and Mexico. Since the Mexican government has declared the war on drugs, its impact on the natio n has been profound and the violence it generated has even crossed the border. The urge to create a safe environment for socio-economic development and to decrease violence linked to drug trafficking in the US are two significant reasons behind the war on drug in Mexico through the Merida Initiative. Moreover, the militarization of security strategies in Mexico to combat drugs has resulted in an increase in violence and human rights violations in the nation. It has also threatened the US borderShow MoreRelatedThe War On Drug: Reasons Behind The Criminalisation of Drugs and Functions of Crime In Society1255 Words  | 6 PagesThe War On Drug: Reasons Behind The Criminalisation of Drugs and Functions of Crime In Society The history of the War on Drugs in the United States can be traced back to 1914 with the Harrison Act, the first recorded law to ban the domestic distribution of drugs, as the cornerstone of the criminalisation of drugs in America (McNamara, 2011). However the popularisation of the criminality of drug use was when President Richard Nixon coined the term ‘War on Drugs’ in 1971 (Provine, 2011, p.45). 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She considers the scope and impact of this current law enforcement, legal and penal activity to be comparable with that of the Jim Crow laws of the 19th and 20th centuriesRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States871 Words  | 4 Pages In the United States crime rates have been on a decline for years, but the United States still has the largest number of people incarcerated in the world. The â€Å"war on drugs†as well as policy’s by the government to be â€Å"tough on crime†has lead to the uprising of corporate prisons, which are known as for-profit prisons, and private prisons. Private prisons have also lead to States, and federal prisons to become worse when it comes to programs to rehabilitate those who are incarcerated, so thatRead MoreStatistics Have Shown That Three Out Of Every Four Black1076 Words  | 5 Pagesselling, and or handling of drugs (Kerby, 2012). Regardless of the evidence that shows that all races are equally susceptible and apart from the drug epidemic, African Americans have been number one in charts. In the article â€Å"The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drug s Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste†, Michelle Alexander discusses how to this day African-Americans remain as the most prominent target of America. Alexander acknowledges how the rising drug war has labeled African AmericansRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration819 Words  | 4 Pagesimpact on people of color as The New Jim Crow. She also attaches significant to the racial dimensions of the â€Å"War on Drugs†because the convictions for drug offenses are only the most important cause of the explosion in incarceration rates in the United States. This argues that federal drug policy inequity targets groups of color, keeping millions of young, black men in a vicious cycle behind the bars. In the beginning, she develops her argument by briefly laying a foundation of the history of racializedRead MoreThe Secret Identity Of Batman863 Words  | 4 Pagescomes to our minds when we hear this name. The Bruce Wayne that I think of grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania, one of the poorest cities in the nation. At sixteen years old he was arrested and convicted for selling drugs, despite the prosecutors’ inability to prove that he was in possession of drugs, with intent to sell, during the time of his arrest. Twenty-two years later, in 2014, Bruce Wayne was finally released from prison. He was incarcerated during the years that usually sculpt constituents into goodRead MoreWar On Drugs : A Comparative Analysis Of Human Rights Violation1339 Words  | 6 PagesDorce Richard Stahler-Sholk PLSC 367 07 April 2016 War on drugs or a war on people ? A comparative analysis of human rights violation in Latin America Ever since the War on Drugs campaign began there has been a more complex relationship between the U.S and Latin America. While the media portrays the U.S as providing aid to Latin America to combat such issues, the U.S is also seen as a victim in the war on drugs. Over the course of the war on drugs numerous human rights violations have been reportedRead MoreHigher Percentage of Minority Inmates1696 Words  | 7 Pagesjust put people behind bars and expects that everything will be fine, when in reality it isn’t because now the jails are becoming overcrowded. Dealing with the drug war, racial profiling, and people growing up in low-income neighborhoods and high-poverty rates, minorities have a higher inmate ratio but the drug war is the greatest cause of why the minority inmate ratio is so high. Since the year 1980 the numbers for incarcerated minorities has been staggering but for some reason they have alwaysRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1436 Words  | 6 PagesThe legalization of marijuana has always been both a social and political issue. As of currently the direction of most debates about marijuana concern drug liberalization as the nation gets more and more progressive with marijuana. Quite recently, a few states have went forward and legalized marijuana for recreational use, and even Canada has taken its first step towards marijuana legalization. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan organization that provides information
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Concept of Royal Prerogative
Question: The royal prerogative is undemocratic as it allows ministers to exercise governmental powers without the consent of Parliament. Discuss Answer: The concept of Royal prerogative is very difficult to define adequately. Still it can be defined as the remaining part of the original authority of the Crown and therefore, this term is used for the rest of the discretionary powers left with the Crown, regardless of the fact if such powers are used by the King or by his Ministers. At this point, it needs to be mentioned that Crown has not been used for referring to the monarch, who uses personal prerogatives, but it also refers to the central government or in other words the Ministers who use the executive prerogatives in the name of the Crown. There are numerous significant matters that are done by the Ministers by using the executive prerogative powers. First of all, while conducting the foreign affairs, which include recognition of States, appointment of ambassadors and the relationship between the UK government and the governments of other countries, the ministers use these prerogative powers. In the same way, the Ministers also have the responsibility to make and ratify the treaties. The stages have a significant impact on the rights enjoyed by the citizens for example the treaties related with the European Union. In the same way, the government may also control, organize and deploy the military of the country by using these prerogative powers. In the same way, the Prime Minister may also use these prerogative powers for the purpose of appointing Ministers, senior judges and civil servants. At the same time, the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill provides the statutory basis for managing the civil services by the Minister when it mentions that the Minister for Civil Services enjoys the authority of managing the civil services (apart from the diplomatic service), still the prerogative powers may be present in this area without any inconsistency. For example in R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority the police force was provided with plastic baton rounds and CS gas the Home Secretary without the consent of the local police Authority. In this regard, the Court came to the conclusion that as in this case, the prerogative has been exercised for the subjects, the supply of weapons has been made to do everything that is reasonably necessary for keeping the Queen's peace. However there is a difference between executive prerogative and personal prerogative. The personal prerogative is exercised only by the monarch and not by the Ministers. On the other hand, the executive prerogative powers are generally exercised by the Ministers either on behalf of the Crown or in their own right. In this way, the executive prerogative powers are the set of powers that is generally subjected to debate and scrutiny. Some of the well-known examples of the executive prerogative powers include the deployment of armed forces overseas and the declaration of war. Another example of these powers can be the conduct of diplomacy at home and overseas, the appointment of owners, judicial posts, peerages etc. However, against the popular belief, the use of prerogative powers by the ministers is not unlimited these days. As a result, there is extensive control and scrutiny that takes place by the courts and also by the Parliament. As a result of the fact that these days, a lot of prerogative powers are used by the Ministers of the government, the Parliament has also started to act as one of the main sources that provide control and scrutiny in case of the use of these powers by the Ministers. In this regard, the Public Administration Select Committee has mentioned that the Parliament is not completely powerless when it comes to the significant prerogatives. It has also been recognized since long that the Parliament enjoys the power of abolishing, amending or restricting the prerogative powers with the help of an Act of Parliament, either expressly or through necessary implication. At the same time, it is also available to the Parliament to place a relegated power on statutory basis if there is a need under the particular circumstances. In this way, the power will directly fall within the jurisdiction of the Parliament and therefore, every type of control and security can be applied by the Parliament in such a case. In this way, an attempt can be made to make the minister who is exercising these arbitrary powers, as accountable as can be possible under the circumstances. In the same way, when the expenditure of funds is also involved in the use of prerogative powers, another control mechanism is available to the Parliament in case of executive prerogative powers of the Ministers. The notion behind this control mechanism is very simple, unless the activities can be funded, no realistic benefit will be there to act. For example, in case of the power to declare war, one of the powers that is generally referred to as the most important prerogative powers, it can be said that this power can be exercised by the government if it considers fit. But it also needs to be noted in this regard that without the support of the Parliament, in the form of providing funds for the troops and supplies, it will not be possible to go into the war. Due to the reason that the prerogative powers have been devolved from the Crown and these powers are exercised by the Ministers of the government, the prerogative powers have been subject to considerable scrutiny mechanisms of t he Parliament. At this point, it also needs to be mentioned that all the Ministers of the government are responsible to the Parliament for their actions, including the use of prerogative powers by them. As a result, there are different types of scrutiny that has to be faced by the use of prerogative powers by the ministers. The most significant sources of such signal to be include the Departmental Select Committees. At the same time, it also needs to be noted that the Prime Minister is also covered by this scrutiny as during the recent years, he has agreed to be subjected to the questioning by the Liaison Committee. Apart from the control and scrutiny by the Parliament, the use of prerogative powers by the Ministers is also subject to judicial control. The reason that they prerogative powers have their basis under the common law; traditionally the courts have played a role in controlling and recently even in scrutinizing the use of these powers by the Ministers. This role of the courts has been significantly established by the Case of Proclamations (1611). It was held by the judges of the common law courts in this case that they have the right to decide the limits of Royal Prerogative. Therefore whenever the exercise of a prerogative power is challenged by any person, the courts has to recognize this power. In this way, the courts can also define the limits and at the same time, decide the presence of any alleged prerogative power. It also needs to be mentioned in this regard that although these prerogative powers have been created during the times that were usually different from the modern times, still they have evolved in purpose and also the way in which these powers are being exercised by the Ministers. Therefore in the end, it can be said that while on the surface it appears that satisfactory scrutiny and control mechanisms are already present in case of the exercise of relative powers by the ministers. But a closer scrutiny reveals that sometimes there can be significant inadequacies present in this regard. The reason is that in the modern political climate, where the politics has become significantly partisan, the city would need methods that are used by the parliament in this regard may not prove to be as effective as required. These days, there is an increasing trend among the members of Parliament to vote according to their party politics. This has a direct impact on the mechanisms that are used by the Parliament to use voting as the scrutiny mechanism regarding the exercise of delegated powers by the Ministers. On the other hand, the judicial mechanisms have been strengthened after the implementation of the Human Rights Act. At the same time, the weaknesses present in this regard are not only the weaknesses that exist in case of the control and scrutiny over the use of executive prerogative powers by the ministers, but weaknesses are the flaws that are present in the political system in its entirety. Bibliography Alder, J Constitutional and Administrative Law, 7th Edition 2009 , London: Pearson Bradley and Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edn (Pearson Education Ltd, 2007) Bradley, A.W. and Ewing, K.D. Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edition 2007 Harlow, Pearson Longman Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 10th Edn (London:Macmillan, 1959) Case Law BBC v Johns [1964] 2 WLR 1071 Case of Impostitions (1606) 2 St Tr 371 Case of Proclamations (1611) Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374 Madzimbamuto v Lardner-Burke (1969) AC 645 R v Secretary of State for Home Affairs, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority [1988] 2 WLR 590 Alder, J Constitutional and Administrative Law, 7th Edition 2009 , London: Pearson Bradley, A.W. and Ewing, K.D. Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edition 2007 Harlow, Pearson Longman R v Secretary of State for Home Affairs, ex parte Northumbria Police Authority [1988] 2 WLR 590 Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 10th Edn (London:Macmillan, 1959) Bradley and Ewing, Constitutional and Administrative Law 14th Edn (Pearson Education Ltd, 2007) Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374 BBC v Johns [1964] 2 WLR 1071 Madzimbamuto v Lardner-Burke (1969) AC 645 Case of Impostitions (1606) 2 St Tr 371
Sunday, December 1, 2019
International Relationships with Oil
Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Kazakhstan Visits by top United States officials to Kazakhstan elicited reactions from the Russian authorities that the west was trying to lure away its partners. However, this was dismissed by Rice, the US Secretary of State, during her visit with Kazakh foreign minister. Washington was seeing Kazakhstan’s economic potential in expanding the economic capability of central Asia.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on International Relationships with Oil specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kazakhstan had tried to balance its international relations by being in good books with Russia apart from connecting with the west for expansion of oil exports. The war between Russia and Georgia prompted Moscow’s allies to reconsider their ties with both Russia and the west. Although there were a lot of expectations on Rice’s agenda as she visited Kazakhstan, no serious agreements were expected to be arrived at between the United States and Kazakhstan despite America having invested heavily in the Kazakhstan’s economy’s oil money. After Kazakhstan being appointed the chairman of the organization for security and Cooperation in Europe, international stakes were raised as far as democracy and human right dealings are concerned. During September 2010, South Korea reported its intentions to ban both oil and gas investments in Iran. This was a way of collaborating with the U.S, United Nations and other nations in placing sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear plan. South Korea further prohibited any other business transactions between it and Iran. This was despite Iran being one of the largest suppliers of oil to South Korea. Later on the Korean government announced that transactions not attributed to the Iranian nuclear program will go on as well as importation of oil. This was to lead to the paralysis of Iran’s bank Mellat that was said to hav e been involved in transactions entailing the development of the nuclear program. The transactions involving oil business between Iran and Korea were to be conducted via Iran’s central bank. With sanctions taking effect, both Hyundai and Kia Motors had to cease exportation of their products to Iran in July 2010. After some time, the Korean government stopped its engineering firms from winning orders in Iran as oil importing organizations were allowed to continue operating.Advertising Looking for report on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from suspending bank Mellat’s financial transactions between Korea and Iran, it was further revealed that the bank was now required to be accountable to the Korean authority regarding each foreign transaction that it engaged in. this was to be enforced even after suspension was over. Israeli’s prime minister also recommended that the United Na tions and the world as a whole should not import refined petroleum from Iran as a way of sanctioning the former to prevent it from developing a nuclear program. The Israeli prime minister emphasized the need for the United States to lead other nations in hindering the success of Iran’s nuclear program. Tony Blair likened the current worries about development of a nuclear plant in Iran to the worries that led to eruption of war between Iraq and the United States. Israeli has pressured the US to impose sanctions that will disable Iran’s operations. However, the Obama administration responded saying that their intention was to put pressure on the Iran government and not the people. Israeli fears that the development of Iran’s nuclear weaponry may threaten the security of the region and has hinted military action if diplomacy does not seem to work. This is despite Iran’s claims that their program is geared towards increasing oil exports rather than engaging i n military. The EU and US sanctions against Iran thwarted plans by three Indian based companies to begin a gas based project in Iran. It was not possible to access both funding and US liquefaction technology to enable them move on with the project. The recently adopted UN Security Council Resolution prohibits sale of heavy weaponry to Iran but does not hamper investment in the country’s energy sector. The US sanctions on the other hand restricts a more than $20 million energy investment in Iran by a foreign nation. Iran – Africa Relationship In a two day Iran – African summit in Tehran, the Iranian president expressed optimism that the relationship between Africa and Iran was going to be strengthened have a lot in common. The summit was aimed at devising means of enlarging the political and economic relations between Iran and Africa.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on International Relationships with Oil specifically for you for on ly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Malawian president envisioned expedient developments between Iran and Africa that could lead to establishment of numerous Iranian firms in Africa. Iran has in the past invested in Senegal, Nigeria and Sudan. Whereas Iran opened a car assembly line in Senegal, plans are underway to help Nigeria generate electricity from nuclear energy. Iran shares strong ties with Sudan than any other African nation. This ranges from signing a military agreement between the two nations in 2008 to plans concerning opening a Saipa Motor factory in Sudan and its neighboring countries. In an attempt to both remain relevant in global issues and get over its alienation from the west, Iran works to concentrate on its ties with China besides Africa. Although China is reported to be in support of the UN sanctions towards Iran, the relationship between China and Iran is said to be motivated by China’s demand for oil and gas resources and Iran’s demand for the Chinese technology. Although, there have been calls from western governments urging China to cut its economic and energy relations with Iran, China has always dismissed this. EU’s further sanctions to Iran and reactions from other nations A move by Turkey and Brazil to vote against the UN Security Council’s fourth round of sanctions surprised the US in a move that seemed to be Iran’s new strategy of dealing with its isolation by the west. Despite opposition from Cyprus, Germany and Sweden, the EU calls for additional sanctions to those earlier agreed upon in New York. The sanctions prohibit new investment, technical aid, and movement of know how, equipment and services. The Iranian president dismissed them all. It is also reported that Spain was in full support of the new sanctions. After several months of diplomatic efforts for China to lower its stand on both the United Nations and European Union regarding Iran’s nuclear program, an agreement wa s reached with not only China, but also other nations that were previously opposed to it. After sometime, the sanctions had a negative economic impact on Iran although the Iranian president denied this reality.Advertising Looking for report on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This not withstanding, Iran is known for exportation of oil but it imports gasoline. Plans are underway to reconfigure its industries to manufacture gasohol so as to benefit from the Washington market that is likely to be due as from July. Ecuador has been asking for donor support to help it protect its Yasuni jungle that is endowed with oil deposits. This aimed at not only combating global warming, but also preserving the Amazon. The funds were to be administered by the United Nations Development Program. Chile, Germany and Spain were expected to be among the first donors to respond. Incase the estimated amount ($ 100 million) is not raised by 2011, Ecuador reserves the right to refund the donors without interest as well as go ahead with its oil extraction plan. Contributions are aimed at enhancing conservation, reforestation and poverty reduction, fuel efficiency and creation of alternative energy sources. Changes in the global energy map Facts reveal that the top producers of oil in 2009 were Saudi Arabia, US, Russia, China and Iran while the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran were the global leaders in oil exports. The world’s biggest deposits of oil sand are in Canada and Venezuela. The leading gas producers are Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United States. Trade in Liquefied Natural Gas has taken a global perspective with Australia expected to lead in exportation. As far as coal energy is concerned, China leads in production, America tops in reserves while Australia leads in exports. China-Russia Trade Relations Although China and Russia are to complete talks on gas supplies next year, the two have resolved to put up a $ 5 billion refinery in China. Majority of the supplies will be from Russia and the rest from Arab nations. Moreover, China is planning to collaborate more with Russia in areas like coal, gas, oil and nuclear energy. Additionally, Russia and China are swapping their bilateral trade roles. Previously, Russia sold raw materials, cars and machinery to China but is lately importing Chinese finished products as it sells raw materials to China. Under recently endorsed deals, China will be importing both oil and coal from Russia. There was a symbolic installation of pipeline between Russia and China which is expected to be effected from January 2011. It is also reported that Russia’s decision to focus on China may weaken its economic ties with Europe, a major consumer of Russian oil and gas. This may lead to disagreements on oil and gas prices. Other latest developments Bangladesh is planning to limit the entry of old Kuwait’s petrol vessels on safety and environmental grounds due to oil spillage. This happens despite Kuwait being the major supplier of oil to Bangladesh. Elsewhere, Inpex corp, a Japanese oil developing firm has decided to pull out from its development projects with Iran’s Azadegan oil field. The decision will cause Japan to reevaluate its energy p lan and resource diplomacy in the Middle East. The move meant that Inpex is not on the list of companies subject to the US sanctions. The decision was made by the Japanese government after Iran had directed more investment in the Azadegan project, yet this project was too risky. Russia is in the process of changing its economy from resource-based to innovation-oriented. It was reported that Russia and China have the potential to cooperate in both the energy sector and financial services. There has been an ongoing currency war for production of commodities such as gold and oil, among others. Occasionally, there have been diverse proposals on currency including Iran’s oil Bourse but in the long run, most commodities are traded in dollars. In a more recent incident, a new atmosphere has been created to encourage foreign industries and the private sector to invest in Iran’s economy. Russia has been the first to express interest in investing in Russia’s energy sector , infrastructural industry and air transport. Additionally, after several months of the US sanctions towards Iran have been in place, South Korea announced new mechanisms of resuming oil trade with Iran. The move was meant at allowing Iran to deposit proceeds from oil in two of South Korean banks: Woori bank and the Industrial bank of Korea. Conclusion Oil has affected international relations both positively and negatively. In the positive sense, China-Russia, and Iran-Africa ties have been strengthened but negatively, US-Iran, Kuwait-Bangladesh, US-China, and Korea-Iran ties, among many others have been weakened. Oil has also affected the political relations both within a nation and its relations with others. This report on International Relationships with Oil was written and submitted by user F1sher to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dougy James Moloney Essays
Dougy James Moloney Essays Dougy James Moloney Essay Dougy James Moloney Essay How is the concept of change explored in your prescribed text DOUGY by James Moloney? Change is a process and refers to the act or instance of becoming different. Dougy, the protagonist in James Moloney’s novel Dougy, undergoes a personal transformation of character resulting in growth, maturity and resolution. Moloney employs a range of techniques to chart the natural and positive transition Dougy experiences. Dougy tells the story of an Aboriginal boy and his journey to a positive self-identity. It is set in a small contemporary Queensland town and recounts the racial tensions between the Aboriginal and the Anglo-Australian population. Resentment and ignorant attitudes result in a racial war, developing, rising and receeding within the parallel action of the flood. Within this framework we follow the personal changes Dougy undergoes as he adopts strategies to deal with the escalating violence and ensuing tragedy. Dougy experiences personal problems that leave him feeling worthless, hopeless and socially inadequate. The first person narrative structure means our understanding of Dougy is shaped from his perspective. Dougy does not introduce himself until chapter two and the use of truncated sentences and the language with negative connotations establishes his low self-esteem and the lack of identity, ‘My names Dougy. I’m nobody much. ‘Dougy is critical about his physique, academic ability and social skills, demonstrated through the personal voice and repetition of ‘I’ and the emotive use of ‘still’ – ‘I’m the tallest kid in the whole school but I don’t like that much†¦ I’ve always been skinny, specially my arms and legs’. Dougy exposes his poor academic ability through the repetition of negative connotations towards himself and his identity. – ‘I am not good at reading and righting eh! Not much good at anything. Me I stay here in town for school, Even though I just turned thirteen, I’m still in Grade six, still in primary school. ’’ Furthermore, Dougy adopts the derogatory language of the dominant white culture in relation to his race, reinforcing his lack of positive identity, ‘eh’, ‘Abo’ and ‘boong’. The use of colloquial language makes Dougy’s predicament more realistic while encouraging compassion from the reader. Dougy changes because of the position he is forced into as a result of the ‘war’ that breaks out between the blacks and whites. The natural elements, the heat and the river, serve as motifs for the rising and insidious racial tension simmering under the town’s surface, climaxing when a race war begins, as the river floods and submerges the town. He is forced to make decisions and act as a consequence he learns about himself and his Aboriginality. As the conflict between the whites and blacks escalate, it is entwined with the precarious flood that draws near to the hall where Dougy, Gracey and Raymond are trapped in. Dougy is forced in a position where he put his unknown strategic abilities into needed use as the river is steadily arising threatening to drown them. Dougy’s swift thinking during the catastrophe saves the lives of his siblings, consequently active in developing positive feelings of self-worth and identity. As the devastation unfolds, Dougy’s certainty of the Moodagudda’s presence around Gracie is treated with respect as the recount during the crisis turned out to be the truth. By the novel’s end Dougy has undergone a positive personal change. Moloney uses contrast as a key technique to shape our understanding of his transformation to a positive sense of self, value and identity. Dougy’s positive manner is publicized through decision makings towards his mother and principle, serving as a positive alteration within his sense of self. Dougy is fuelled with confidence and inspiration,’ But I said straight out,’’ Mum, I’m old enough. And I’m big enough. I want to be in high school. ’ Dougy’s self-value has been altered through his social acceptance and belongingness amongst the town’s people. ’’ I told people about seeing the Moodagudda and how it grabbed Gracie†¦and I knew most of them believed me. Some even came back for me to tell the story over and over again and they weren’t making fun of me like they used to do with some of the old blokes who told the story. â €™â€™ The acceptance from his fellow people constructs a stronger connection with his Aboriginal culture and identity, ceasing the negative connotations towards his born identity. ’ So now I’m in high school after all. And at this school, there’s a mob that do the old dreamtime dances†¦ when they heard about Gracey and me and the Moodagudda, they asked me to join. ‘’ Serving as a contrast with his earlier ignorance and suggest he will perpetuate his culture through this tradition. Therefore, change can be a positive process that occurs naturally, leading to a real sense of identity and value as evidenced in the character and novel of the same name, Dougy by James Moloney.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Types of Medical School Admissions Interviews
Types of Medical School Admissions Interviews If you are the recipient of a coveted email inviting you to interview for medical school admission, start preparing now. There’s a great deal of general advice on the process of interviewing for med school, including tips on what to wear, what to ask, what you may be asked, and what to ask. Recognize, however, that there is no one standard interview format. Who Will Interview You? You can expect to be interviewed by any combination of faculty, admissions officers, and, sometimes, advanced medical students. The exact composition of the med school admissions committee will vary by program. Prepare to be interviewed by a range of faculty with differing interests and perspectives. Try to predict the interest of each potential committee member as well as something that you might ask of him or her. For example, you might ask the med student about opportunities for clinical experience. Recognize that there is no standard interview format. Some medical schools conduct one-on-one interviews, others rely on a committee. Sometimes you might be interviewed alone. Other programs interview a group of applicants at once. The interview format also varies. Below are the major interview types that you can expect. Panel Interview This is a meeting with several interviewers (referred to as a panel) at once. The panel usually includes a variety of faculty in different medical areas and in clinical medicine as well as basic research. A medical student is often a member of the interview committee. Try to anticipate the questions each member of the committee might have and be prepared to speak to the concerns of each. Blind Interview In a blind interview, the interviewer is â€Å"blinded†from your application, He or she knows nothing about you. Your job is to introduce yourself to the interviewer, from scratch. The question you are most likely to face in this interview is: â€Å"Tell me about yourself.†Be ready. Be selective, yet detailed in what you present. Remember that the interviewer has not seen your grades, MCAT scores, or admissions essays. You will likely discuss much of the material in your admissions essays as well as explain why you want to be a doctor. Partial Blind Interview Unlike the blind interview in which the interviewer knows nothing about you, in a partial blind interview, the interview has seen only part of your application. For example, the interviewer may read your essays but know nothing about your grades and MCAT score. Or the reverse may be true. Open Interview In an open interview the interviewer reviews applicant material at his or her discretion. The interviewer may choose to be blind to all or part of the application. Therefore an open interview may include the basic question such as â€Å"Describe yourself†or detailed questions designed to follow up on your admissions essays. Stress Interview A stress interview places the med school applicant under a magnifying glass. The intent is to see how you function under pressure. The interviewer or interviewers ask questions to make you uncomfortable to observe how you speak and behave when stressed. The stress interview is intended to find out what a candidate is really like, apart from the interview preparation and etiquette. A stress interview might include questions about sensitive topics or personal questions that are not permitted. Applicants might gently call the interviewer on the question, asking why it is relevant. He or she might diffuse it or choose to answer it. The interviewer is more interested in how the applicant responds than what he or she says. Other questions might be factual, with trivia-like details. The interviewer might respond negatively to everything that you say by making negative remarks or through body language such as crossing the arms or turning away. If you find yourself in a stress interview remem ber that the interviewer is interested in how you function under stress. Take your time in responding. Keep your cool. Remember the Purpose As you plan for your medical school interview, remember that the purpose is to let the interviewers get to know you. Until your interview, you are nothing but a transcript, MCAT score, and essay. Be yourself. Plan ahead by considering topics of discussion and the points you would make, but be natural. During your interview say what you think, ask questions about topics that are important to you, and be authentic.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Protecting the Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Protecting the Environment - Research Paper Example As a result of the industrial revolution and globalization, however, today, we are used to a lifestyle that promotes all these ills. However, they are also promoted by governments that work in collaboration with industries that tend to pollute the environment and exploit natural resources in an unsustainable manner. The initiative and the drive to clean up the mess, therefore, need to come from governments across the world. This has been slow in coming but slowly, across the globe, there has been recognition of the political nature of the problem and the need for a political solution for this problem. This paper shall focus on the initiatives that the Brazil government has taken so as to decrease pollution that occurs as a result of the gases that are emitted by vehicles that run on fossil fuels. An energy crisis that occurred in Brazil during the 1970s made the government of this region sit up and take notice of the problem and made it recognize the need for finding a solution that would be long-lasting, to this problem (Hofstrand). This crisis was the result of the scarcity of fossil fuels during the 70s that led a lot of countries to look for means to reduce their dependence on imports for fuel. While most countries switched back to fossil fuels as soon as the crisis was over, Brazil opted for a more lasting and environment-friendly option. In this move, we see how the political will of the government was important in the setting up of the policy that has today reaped rich rewards. The Brazilian government is far ahead of other governments in the sophistication of its machinery and the availability of ethanol- based fuel. The ethanol fuel industry would not have reached the heights that it has reached today if not for the will of successive Brazilian governments that have maintained the production of this form of fuel as a priority and initially offered heavy subsidies to this industry as a result of which many car- manufacturers started producing automobile s that ran on ethanol. By the middle of the 1980s, most of the cars that were being produced in Brazil were ones that ran on ethanol. The response that the private automobile firms made to the scenario that developed was one that was encouraging but was based on the market forces of supply and demand. This scenario came about because of the commercial viability of ethanol- based fuels for the consumers; a situation that evolved out of the government’s policy of providing subsidies to the ethanol fuel industry (Thompson). This made the option of ethanol a profitable one for the consumer classes which in turn influenced the automobile industry to switch to the production of vehicles that ran partially or completely on ethanol. The government’s policy that subsidized the production of these fuels is what was instrumental in the present situation where private players have stepped into the fray, thereby allowing the government to spend more on welfare projects that further enhance the standard of living of the Brazilians. The policies that were followed by the Brazilian government, thus, have enabled the protection of the environment, without compromising upon the goals of development that are important for a developing country like Brazil. This again goes to prove that the protection of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Principles of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Principles of Marketing - Essay Example The main reason behind market segmentation is to help a company understand the needs of a particular segment (Beane & Ennis, 1997, p. 31). Mass marketing mainly assumes that all customers have the same interests and consumption behaviour. Segmenting the market can also serve in identifying smaller groups of consumers who make their own subsets an aspect that improve the overall efficiency of the company’s marketing efforts (Dibb, Simpkin, Pride & Ferrell, 2001). Market segmentation enables the marketer to compare different marketing opportunities of different marketing segments through studying consumer needs and potential, their level of satisfaction etc. This helps the company in coming up with appropriate strategies to satisfy the needs of these different segments. There are different forms of segmentation. These include geographical segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation and behavioural segmentation. Geographical segmentation This is segmenting the market based on the location of the customers. Demand of goods can vary according to geographic location of the customers. Geographical segmentation therefore, focuses on prospective markets’ location and different attributes that are associated with each location. The marketer can therefore, focus on either a single location or many depending on the varying requirements of each region and the cost of serving these locations. Demographic segmentation This is division of the market according to demographic variables such as age, gender, individual occupation, education or even family size. The marketer uses these variables in making decisions and identifying the target market. In an example, a company may decide to segment the market according to age of the people. As a result, it can develop different products that meet different requirements of customers that belong to various age groups (Hunt and Arnett, 2004, p.23). Psychographic and behavioural segmentation Psychograp hic segmentation divides the market into different segments which have similar lifestyles. Lifestyle is an individual mode of living and mainly describes how a person conducts his/her daily activities. On the other hand, behavioural segmentation divides the market according to behavioural characteristics of the customers. Different customers have different behaviours which are used by a marketer to market the produce (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). Market targeting Marketing targeting is a process of identifying different groups of consumers that exist in a market who are likely to purchase a certain good or service. Target marketing makes it easier to price, promote and distribute the product or service at a cost that is effective. When targeting the market, a marketer should ensure that the firm has adequate resources to meet the requirement of the target market. Targeting plays an important role of reducing market ambiguity as marketers are able to have an in-depth knowledge concerni ng the target consumers. There are different forms of targeting. One of the methods is referred to as broad or undifferentiated targeting. The concept that underlies this method is that a product or service has a broad appeal to all customers irrespective of their age, gender and location. Second method is referred to as selective or differentiated method. With this
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword and Peace Time Essay Example for Free
The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword and Peace Time Essay 1. Peace hath her victories no less renounced than: By the word victory we generally understand the winning of a battle. We know the history of victories of great conquerors like Alexander, Changiz Khan and Napoleon. But like heroes like Buddha, Ashoka and Akbor won greater glory by bringing to mankind the blessing of peace. We have seen the two devastating world wars. They crippled the world economy, maimed and killed millions of people. Civilization is the slow achievement of workers in peace time. Science and art, religion and philosophy or all developments are the creations of peace time. These can be happened amidst in the peaceful atmosphere. Poets glorify war, artist depicts them in their cartoons, and historians record them in the history. But patriots and philanthropists restore peace and tranquility. Therefore peace should be reined on earth for our own survival. 2. â€Å"Pen is mightier than sword†Taken literally, the saying may seen to be contrary to common sense but the words ‘Pen’ and ‘Sword’ stand for ‘writer’ and ‘soldier’ respectively. So it is clearly seen that a pen is stronger then a sword. That is a write is more powerful and efficient than a warrior. Our history speaks a volume regarding Alecgender, Changis Khan, and Napoleon and so on. But the writer likes Shaxphere, Voltaire, Rosseau, Rabindra Nath are much more immortal and inspirational to all to the all ages to comes. Any weapon or any warrior can not maintain peace and mankind. On the other hand an influential writer can restore or sustain integration and harmony among all as Gandhi Ji or Ashoka could. So we have seen that powerful weapons are not constructive means as the Ramayana, The Mahabharata, the Bible or the Korana can do. The massages of these books inspired the epoch making revolution. All these prove that a great writer is more powerful than a grea t soldier. 3. â€Å"Brevity is the soul of wit†. Brevity means shortness of expressions of non-material ideas. The wit appears is short and crisp sentences. Wit is the living soul of any style of writing. A body has no value with out its soul. It indicates the original thought of speakers. Generally a lengthy writing does not indicate the soul of writing. It only wastes papers and time. It looses the aesthetic side of writing. The original essence of writing lies in the wit. Books are available in the bookstall or library. But all are not for permanent existence. Only some of them survive value of knowledge and wisdom. But any connoisseur only fails to understand it. But sincere readers will seek and grasp the inner meaning of it. Thus, soul of wit in brevity with heightens the morality and introspective sides of readers. 4. â€Å"The child is father of the man†This line contains a deeper meaning underlying this apparent contradiction. It suggests that all the aptitudes of a c child develop as he grows-up. As morning shows the day so also childhood shows the man. If the day dawns with the clear sky and bright rays of the sum we can assess that the day on the whole will be fair and sunny. On the contrary if the day breaks with stormy wind and rain we think that the day will not be fair. This is also applicable to the growing child. All the potentialities of the future men lie dormant in the child. With the growth of the child, all the finer sentiments in him and the latent virtues began to manifest like a blooming rose. For example, if a child gives his own bread to a hungry beggar, he is likely to become a humanitarian, social worker in later years. The child who is in the habit of telling lies; stealing other’s goods without any prevention from doing it, likely to grow into a confirmed thief and a liar. Children showing special knack for mathematics of music painting or art will naturally grow into a great mathematician or a renowned musician or a skilled painter of an eminent artist. Tagore began to compose verses at the age of seven only. Wordsworth loved nature since his childhood. All these proof that child is father of the man.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Measuring Customer Service at American Express :: essays research papers
Measuring Customer Satisfaction at American Express      American Express is a world wide travel related service company. American Express works with both consumers and business with their financial planning as well as offers numerous amounts of credit card products and travel assistance. They have many products and services that are used throughout the world by consumers and businesses. As American Express moves towards the future, like most credit card companies, they want to be competitive and responsive to the needs of the consumer.      American Express sends out customer service surveys to the card members that call in to the telephone service center. The surveys are sent out randomly with a coding on the bottom of the survey so that the results and comments are given back to the correct employee. The employees are aware that any card member that they speak to could receive a survey. With this said, each employee goes through extensive training on the telephone behaviors that must be demonstrated while speaking to card members. The employees also go through extensive training on the policies and procedures that each card product and service has. This training is to ensure that each card member is handled with the most utmost professional behavior and their issues are handled correctly.      Once the surveys are returned to the company, they are returned to the Customer Satisfaction Action Team. This team reviews the surveys, separates them by employee and then by the results.. The results are separated by â€Å"Excellent†and â€Å"Very Good†and then â€Å"Fair†and â€Å"Poor†marks. The card members that score a â€Å"Fair†or â€Å"Poor†mark on the survey is called back by one of the team members and the issue is discussed further to find out why the survey was marked that way. The comments that the card members make on the surveys are returned to the employee’s team leaders. The team leader gives the feedback to the employee and discusses with them their best practices or opportunities that need to be worked on.      This tool is an excellent way to get in touch with our card members and to see how they feel the company is doing and what they feel is going right and what needs to be worked on. By doing this the company can take this information and better the customer satisfaction by either up training of employees are reviewing and possibly changing the policies or procedures.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hard Times
Compare the characters of Slackbridge and Blackpool in this chapter. How do they symbolise both the values that Dickens admires and the attributes he dislikes? In this chapter Slackbridge is presented as a loud, hot tempered and shallow man, whereas Blackpool is presented as an honest, calm and straight forward man, also a man of great honesty, compassion, and integrity, Stephen maintains his moral ideals even when he is rejected by his fellow workers and fired by Bounderby. During this chapter Slackbridge gives an impassioned speech about the necessity of unionizing and of showing their sense of fellowship.The only person who remains unconvinced is Stephen Blackpool. Stephen says he does not believe that the union will do any good because it will only aggravate the already tense relationship between employers and workers. You can tell that these two men are opposite characters when they perform their speeches. Slackbridge is portrayed as a talented speaker as Dickens writes â€Å"S lackbridge, the orator, looked about him with a withering smile†. This also shows that he is an arrogant and sarcastic man. He uses long, complex sentences to confuse the audience and making it difficult to follow what he is saying.This implies that Slackbridge wants to show off his power; however Stephen says nothing to suggest power. Blackpool uses simple sentences and no fancy vocabulary whilst speaking, for example â€Å"That’s not for him†and â€Å"That’s not for nobody but me. †The noun â€Å"friends†is repeated and used by both characters, but in two different ways. Slackbridge uses the hyperbole â€Å"Oh my friends†to try and manipulate the workers as he does not care about them. Slackbridge also says â€Å"Oh my fellow-country-men†to try and act as if he is their friend, to try and persuade the workers to go on strike.The industrial revolution was happening at this moment in time. It was a period from 1750 to 1850 where changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of the times. It began in the United Kingdom, and then subsequently spread throughout Western Europe, North America, Japan, and eventually the rest of the world. He tries to raise the workers up by saying â€Å"One united nation†, he knows what they can achieve. Whereas Blackpool can relate to the workers and can say â€Å"my friends†without having to pretend.The workers would have known Stephen since he was around ten years old. Therefore the workers have far more in common with Blackpool than they would have with Slackbridge. In politics, right-wing describes a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of social hierarchy and Slackbridge, at the time, was in favor of the right wing as he says â€Å"The orator having refreshed himself, wiped his corrugated forehead from left to righ t several times with his handkerchief folded into a pad†.The adjective ‘corrugated’ suggests that he is an uneven character. Slackbridge does not want anything to do with the workers even though he is the link between them and the manager, Mr Bounderby. The adjectives ‘down-trodden’, â€Å"fellow-countrymen’, ‘iron-handed’ and ‘fellow sufferers’ are hyphenated modifiers illustrates the difference between the workers and the management, he is also empathising them. Stephen Blackpool lives a life of drudgery and poverty.In spite of the hardships of his daily toil, he strives to maintain his honesty, integrity, faith, and compassion. He is only asking for the right to work as he says â€Å"I hope I shall die ere ever such a time cooms, and I shall work solitary among yo unless is cooms†. This implies that Stephen loves to work and that is why he does not want to go on strike. Stephen is the only Hand who refuses t o join a workers’ union: he believes that striking is not the best way to improve relations between factory owners and employees, and he also wants to earn an honest living. I ha’ never had no fratch†demonstrates his innocence due to the fact that he has never had an argument with anyone. He also refuses to spy on his fellow workers for Bounderby, who consequently sends him away. Both groups, rich and poor, respond in the same self-interested, backstabbing way. Slackbridge labels Blackpool as a turncoat as the verbs ‘deserts’ his post, ‘sells’ his flag, ‘turns’ a traitor and a craven and a recreant, suggests that Stephen is a cruel man, he tries to convince the workers that Stephen has let them down.Slackbridge could not make Blackpool sounds less worthy if tried. Dickens favors and admires Stephen Blackpool as he is the perfect balance in ‘fact’ and fancy’. Also Dickens hates trade unions and strikes, t herefore he would hate Slackbridge as he wants the workers to go on strike and he is full of facts. Through Stephen, Dickens suggests that industrialization threatens to compromise both the employee’s and employer’s moral integrity, thereby creating a social muddle to which there is no easy solution.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nurse Anesthetist
Finnie 1 Kerra Finnie Mrs. Todt English III 2 March 2012 Nurse Anesthetist Since 2010 there has been a high demand for Nurse Anesthetist in the United States. A career with a high salary is appealing. With the challenges and hard work of a nurse anesthetist, one must understand the steps and dedication of a person of this type of medical role. To become a Nurse Anesthetist the general requirements are to have an RN license and a bachelor of science degree, either in nursing or an appropriate science.After getting an RN license, one year of work in critical care conditions has to be completed. When the year is over, an application is sent to a program, the application will then be compared to other applicants. More than one year working as an RN will higher the chance of the application to get in because experience in this field of nursing is important. When an applicant is accepted into a Nurse Anesthetist program they are required to attend an admissions interview.No foods or drinks should be brought to this interview, attendants will want to look formal and successful with their wardrobe. These schools are demanding and life changing. They also cause a ton of stress. Most programs last 24-33 months (Andrus 1a). In order to graduate a program a B grade point average must be maintained. After taking all steps a total of 6 years is the amount of time spent in college. You must be willing to dedicate a huge chunk of your life to your education – the information and data you learn will be Finnie 2 oliminous; the many hands-on skills require practice, practice, and tenacity (Freemark 2a). The extra time in college gives a greater knowledge of the anatomy. As a nurse anesthetist there are many choices in the medical field to choose from. Nurse Anesthetist do not possess complex technical capabilities of the doctors they assist, but they provide a wide range of services to support the doctors (McNutt 1). Interviews, reviewing charts, learning physical history, and doing preoperative teaching and developing a nesthesia plan with the anesthesiologist are all duties of a nurse anesthetist. Nurse Anesthetist administer 65% of the 26 million anesthetics given each year (Marquand 1a). The number one priority of a Nurse Anesthetist is the safety of a patient (Inglis 1a). To make a patient feel comfortable while in surgery the nurse anesthetist stays bedside while monitoring vital signs. The Nurse Anesthetist is also held to the responsibility of knowing anesthesia depth, blood loss, body temperature, and positioning.The proper amount of medicine must be given, if anything goes wrong it is a matter of life or death. A patients status can change at any time. In emergency situations there may be no way to get full information on the patient (Marquand 2). With the demand as high as it is for Nurse Anesthetist, it is the leading cause of the high paid salary. Directly after graduation, a nurse anesthetist can get a job with a starting salary averagi ng about $118,000.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Pigeon River Pollution Essays
Pigeon River Pollution Essays Pigeon River Pollution Paper Pigeon River Pollution Paper The Pigeon River flows through North Carolina and right here into East Tennessee. The Pigeon River got its name from an extinct bird, which migrated through the valley of North Carolina. Although, the Pigeon River looks nice, there is something extremely harmful going on inside the river. The long-polluted Pigeon River in Coke County has not been feasible or assumable for over 1 00 years due to pollution. The rivers water has turned dark brown, and has a terrible odor. The reason behind this beautiful river being polluted is the Blue Ridge paper Company. The Blue Ridge paper Company, once part of Champion International Paper, in Canton, North Carolina, is a primary source of Dioxin and matter pollution that has been discharged into the river. Not only has the Blue Ridge paper Company polluted the water, it gets worse, a couple years ago in 2004, after Hurricane Francis and Hurricane Ivan, several storms and horrible flooding hit the area hard. The flooding, which caused the water level of the river to reach an extreme high level, and also caused part of interstate 40 to collapse into the rivers gorge. Several trees and soil also fell into the water causing much more pollution. No one could have predicted the interstate collapsing into the river due to Mother Nature, but the Blue Ridge Paper Company could certainly do something about the pollution that they are dumping in to the river. The Blue Ridge Paper mill was established in the early 1 gos, and has been operating for 1 00 years. Advocates challenged the North Carolina Division of Water Quality for a wastewater permit that does not require the proper reductions in thermal discharges being discharged by the paper mill. The remit allows the paper mill to discharge waste into the river that raises the temperature of the water way beyond the standards allowed by the state water quality standards. Due to the extremely high water temperature it is very hard for fish to survive. In 2007, due to the water temperature, nearly 8,000 fish died. The wastewater that the paper mill is dumping into the river is entirely too much waste for a small waterway to handle. Thanks to the EPA permit the mill used to dump about 400,000 pounds of color a day into the river, but the permit made it to where they can only dump 45,000 pounds of lour into the river a day. The river is slowly getting better conditions due to all the legal issues against the paper mill; they are finally starting to come to their senses. The Pigeon River flowing beside the Blue Ridge Paper Company. Personally think it is horrible that a paper mill is polluting this river. Have a couple of recommendations I would like to see in the future for some relief for this beautiful river. Would like to see this paper mill shut completely down if they do not continue to limit the waste they are putting into the river. Another alternative that the company could try is to get different equipment that is safe for the environment or find somewhere else to dump their waste, rather than polluting a river for no reason. Although, they are tying to cut back on how much they are polluting the water there is still much more work to be done. If something were done about this river once and for all it would certainly make history. For over 100 years, it has been a constant fight tying to clean up this river, and getting the paper mill to stop polluting it. According o the American White Water Organization, a lot has been done over the past 20 years to clean up this river. The White Water Organization also includes: It appears highly likely that additional cost-effective improvements are possible during the new permit period. The river conservation community however questions whether or not the draft permit does enough to continue restoration of one of the most polluted rivers in the region. Hopefully, one day the issue with the paper company polluting the river will be resolved. The Pigeon River is a beautiful popular river; many people enjoy white water fating fishing, and swimming in the river. People havent been able to do so in many years. Its very sad that the paper company destroys one of Gods beautiful creations, and they are okay with it. Many have forgotten the small beautiful things still left in this world, and believe that if anything else the environment should be protected, because it is not mad made, and it doesnt deserve to be destroyed because of these big careless companies trying to make money. Every river, in my opinion should be assumable and feasible by everyone who wants to do so. It is a part of nature that l, for one certainly love to do. There is much determination in getting this beautiful river cleaned up, with determination of the community, and Government officials help; I believe there is hope for the Pigeon River.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Get Insanely Loyal Followers On Social Media - CoSchedule Blog
How To Get Insanely Loyal Followers On Social Media Blog How many social media followers do you need to make your business succeed? Since everyone cant be Beyoncà ©, how many people do you need in your corner to make things happen for you? While we all wish we could live the life of a major celebrity for a day, the fact of the matter is that you don’t need to have a superstar-level following to turn your social media engagement into something more than a couple of likes and a retweet. Aiming for sustainability and setting your sights on an achievable goal can lead to big rewards. Be interested in other people and they’ll be interested in you. #SocialMediaBuild Your Fanbase With A Social Media Followers Kit Dont miss out on this awesome social media followers kit. Its made up of: A social media engagement checklist to help you explore new tactics that will work for your business An editable slide deck to present your social media persona to your team A loyal social media followers worksheet that will help you get to know more about your audience and goals You Want To Build A Group Of 1,000 True Fans In Kevin Kelly’s seminal 2008 post, â€Å"1,000 True Fans,†he starts off describing â€Å"the long tail,†which is his name for what the internet did to markets as it grew in popularity. Because it removes barriers and makes things easier to find, it has led to a lengthening of the market. For example, if you like classical trombone concertos, it used to be that you’d have to scour the record store and probably buy an entire album, even though it was just one or two tracks you really wanted to listen to. Thanks to the internet, you can find as many of those as you want on SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Spotify, or even YouTube. There are an increasingly infinite array of products available in a particular sector, meaning customers are split up into smaller and smaller groups. Obviously, there will be superstars- a ubiquitous product that blows up, or someone with the right combination of talent and luck that comes along at just the right time and captures a big following. Kevin’s point is that you can’t reasonably aim to replicate superstar success. What you can do, however, is figure out what level of support will work to make your success sustainable. What you want to do is work on building a group of 1,000 True Fans. Or 500. Or 3,000. Recommended Reading: How To Get More Followers With 21 Unique Ways That Will Boost Your Social Media Traffic How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics That Will Grow Your Following How To Schedule Your Social Media Content Curation For Massive Growth Different business models will need different numbers. The key is that it’s hard, but it’s achievable. As Kevin puts it, â€Å"You can count to 1,000.†So what is a True Fan? A True Fan is defined as someone who will purchase anything and everything you produce. They will drive 200 miles to see you sing. They will buy the super deluxe re-issued hi-res box set of your stuff even though they have the low-res version. They have a Google Alert set for your name. - Mike Masnick It’s this level of loyalty and passion that we can build with our social media following. Pro Tip: Figure out how many True Fans you need to be sustainable. A good go-to way to think about this is to assume each will spend $100 on you per year. Start counting. 1. Change The Way You Think About Social Media The social media ground game has evolved. Back in the wild west days of social media, the only numbers that mattered were followers, likes, and shares. It didn’t matter how you got the followers, as long as that number was big. The same how-to was floating around in everyone’s heads: Build followers Get likes Profit The world has become so number-obsessed. You even saw people like Klout trying to develop an algorithm to score influence. What was lost in all the frenzy was a basic understanding of what has made social media a part of our everyday lives. Social media is valuable because it helps you learn, communicate, and engage with other people. You use social media to have conversations. Recommended Reading: How To Get Your Content In Front Of The Right Audience At The Right Time How To Delight Your Marketing Target Audience To Boost Conversions I’m a huge baseball fan, and social media gives me access to up-to-the-minute information in a way that I’d never get in a newspaper. When I think about what I like the most, it’s being able to see a variety of perspectives about a particular play or trade, from players, scouts, superfans, and reporters, and being able to talk to them about it. It’s the insider experience that is valuable to me. Pro Tip: Take the time to think about what you use social media to do, and why you use it the way you do. Does that insight change the way you could communicate with your customers? 2. Engage With Your Followers To Make Them Loyal Fans The biggest mistake most marketers make is thinking of social media as a broadcast channel. They think it’s about sending out your message, about repetition and variation as if it’s just another form of TV. What they don’t do enough is listen. Instead, use these tips to better engage with your followers: Get smaller. Instead of trying to broadcast to a large, general audience, narrow your focus to interacting with a small, specific audience. Who do you want to talk to? Focus on your customers social streams. Begin by listening. Have a conversation. Tell stories. Stories are what get people engaged and emotionally connected. A story is something unique, personal, and engaging. Stories let us see the people, idea, or values that you represent. Social Media Examiner has a great guide to using stories in your social media marketing. Show your face. Use visual content to get attention. Study after study shows that a post attached to a strong visual is more likely to get shared. More importantly, it lets us see behind the curtain. We will connect better with you as a person than a brand, so don’t be afraid to show your face. As Kevin put it very clearly: "Understand this isn’t ‘look at me, look how cool I am’ content, this is perhaps just the opposite if it is to connect. This is 'look at me, look how much I care, look how regular I am, look at why I might be the perfect person to guide you to the result you are seeking.'" Have conversations. Talk to people, ask questions, and find ways to get engaged. Show that you are interested in what others have to say, and not just obsessed with selling something. Shutterstock has a great guide for creatives on how to have more authentic conversations on social media. Pro Tip: Don’t broadcast, blindly flailing into the social media abyss. Be specific about who you want to talk to, lead with listening, and start having a conversation. Recommended Reading: 8 Social Media Best Practices That Will Save You 25.5 Hours In A 2-Week Sprint 3. A Loyal Following Comes From Being A Real Person In her useful guide to building a loyal following on social media, Mei Pak offers this incredibly wise piece of insight: Building a successful creative business means polarizing the people that find you. They are either your target customer or they’re not. - Mei Pak It’s natural to be cautious about putting yourself out there because it can seem pretty risky. You might come off wrong, or miscommunicate, or make a fool of yourself. But while that’s off-putting to some people, it will make others fall in love with you. As long as you show vulnerability and admit mistakes when you make them, you have nothing to lose. Achieving this successfully requires making sure you’re clear about your values. Decide what’s important early on, and it becomes easier to know what to post about. If an event is happening nearby, you could post a shout-out, or even share a photo or video from it. Shared values are going to attract your most loyal customers. Finally, make sure that you keep upbeat. As Mei says: Present and focus on the positive points so you don’t sound like a whiner. - Mei Pak That doesn’t mean you can’t post about something you’re struggling with, but try to stay constructive and positive to get people to root for you. Pro Tip: Find ways to make your posts more personal. Talk about what’s going on in your neighborhood, talk about what you love, keep positive, and have a conversation. Recommended Reading: 20 Ways To Be Creative When You Don’t Feel Inspired Get Engaged All of this advice really boils down to a simple revelation: Social media is about having a conversation, not about who can yell the loudest. The same way that you approach meeting people at a party is the way you should approach your social media game. As Dale Carnegie advises, be interested in other people and they’ll be interested in you.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discussion on How Much (if any) Americanism is Still the Operational Essay
Discussion on How Much (if any) Americanism is Still the Operational Theology of the Catholic Church in the United States - Essay Example f these new opinions is that, in order to more easily attract those who differ from her, the Church should shape her teachings more in accord with the spirit of the age and relax some of her ancient severity and make some concessions to new opinions†. But he adds, â€Å"From the foregoing it is manifest, beloved son, that we are not able to give approval to those views which, in their collective sense, are called by some "Americanism." But if by this name are to be understood certain endowments of mind which belong to the American people, just as other characteristics belong to various other nations, and if, moreover, by it is designated your political condition and the laws and customs by which you are governed, there is no reason to take exception to the name†(Concerning New Opinions). The pope has impressed the importance of keeping close to the faith irrespective of the Americanism in the Catholic Church in the United States. It is typical of someone in the United States to have the church appreciate modernism and seek to modify beliefs and order of service according to modern styles and practices. This is bound to happen because as the pontiff points out, â€Å"The underlying principle of these new opinions is that, in order to more easily attract those who differ from her, the Church should shape her teachings more in accord with the spirit of the age and relax some of her ancient severity and make some concessions to new opinions†(Concerning New Opinions). The average American has a high sense of purpose. He will work hard enough to even lose his life in the pursuit of goals and achievements. However, he wants privileges and perks. He does all these because the American culture is such. The American is geared to achieving goals and getting things done. He has a questioning mind and will not shy away from questioning the clergy on the interpretation of God’s word. Hence, the spirit and system with which the Catholic Church works in other parts of the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Key trends in the financial services market Essay
Key trends in the financial services market - Essay Example The Harpenden Building society offers a range of financial services from primarily savings accounts and mortgages to business banking solutions.( Harpenden Building Society. 2010) This paper will examine a number of questions surrounding the performance of the Harpenden building society and some key trends in the banking and financial services market, as well as how the building society differs from traditional banks in the market, opportunities and threats facing the bank, a closer look at the success of the bank and how the society can succeed from a marketing standpoint. There are several key trends in the financial services market. One of the latest trends that is gripping the financial industry like a bruding storm is the level and impact of the global interest rate. ``As interest rates are expected to rise globally, albeit slowly, and current steep yield curves may soon flatten, such risks may materialise surrounding the performance  in the near future. At the same time, wea knesses in the banking sector still exist, especially for some segments of the European banking sector. While the effects of changes in interest rates and their structure on financial institutions differ, recent changes in asset and funding structures of banks make them generally more vulnerable to a changing interest rate environment. Currency risk exposure has also grown, and regional concentration may pose specific risks. An unravelling of carry trades will have a negative effect on some institutions.`` (OECD.2009)
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sociology unit4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sociology unit4 - Essay Example These processes are largely intertwined and result in specific challenges to societies in general and to family life in particular, in both direct and indirect ways.†(Editors' note & Introduction†, 2008) Further it could be suggested that this list is accurate but incomplete as changing gender roles and division of labor both within and outside the family have also evolved. The wealth gap has increased in the United States over the last fifty years. The wealthy have gotten wealthier and the poor have gotten poorer. This increases the affluence of the wealthy and increases the poverty of the least affluent. Most importantly, however, it increases the differences between the lives of the very wealthy and those of the very poor. This significant wealth gap increases differentiation within American society and between classes leading to resentment and the loss of a sense of shared destiny and cooperation. Second, as a result of the demographic transition families are getting smaller. It was not uncommon at the start of the twentieth century ffor a family to have six or eight children and possibly also have grandparents living with them. Households were much larger one hundred years ago than they are today. In 2000 the average household size was 2.59 and the average family size was 3.14. Household size refers to persons living under the same roof but not necessarily related. (US Census, 2000, Fact Sheet) That the family size is larger than the household size is evidence of a weakening of the family in terms of families living together. It also speaks to the massive increase in marital breakdown that has become a common feature of modern family life. According to, â€Å"50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.†(â€Å"Divorce Rate†) John R. Lott Jr., argues that the wider av ailability of abortion as a birth control option increased casual and pre-marital sex and single-motherhood. He argues that this was the cause of the burgeoining crime rate during the 1980s and 1990s. He arguess that, â€Å"more out-of-wedlock births, fewer adoptions than expected, and less pressure on men "to do the right thing"--led to a sharp increase in single-parent families.†(Lott, 2007) Further he asserts that this led to more children being raised in single-parent families and had no impact on the declining crime rate. â€Å"Legalizing abortion increased crime. Those born in the four years after Roe were much more likely to commit murder than those born in the four years prior.†(Lott, 2007) The increasing divorce rate and the increase in single-parent families all point to a weakening of the traditional family. References â€Å"Divorce Rate†. "Editors' note & Introduction." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 39.3 (2008): 1+. Han isch, Carol. (2006). â€Å"New Intro to 'The Personal is Political'. Web. Lott, John R., Jr. (August 13, 2007). "Abortion and crime: one has an effect on the other, but it may not be the effect you think." National Review18. US Census, 2000, F
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Site Directed Mutagenesis of Subtilisin
Site Directed Mutagenesis of Subtilisin Introduction Subtilisin is a monomeric protein serine protease, which is produced by Gram positive bacteria and fungi.(1) Serine proteases are a subgroup of carbonyl hydrolase. These carbonyl hydrolases can be naturally occurring or recombinant. Naturally occurring carbonyl hydrolases consists of subtilisin matalloproteases, serine carboxypeptidase and thiol proteinase. In case of recombinant carbonyl hydrolase, the sequence coding for the wild type enzyme is altered to produce a mutant either by insertion, substitution or deletion of amino acid. Proteases are a diverse class of enzymes having several biological functions and specificities. The catalytic machinery of these enzymes is attributed to subtilisin and mammalian chymotrypsin related bacterial serine protease.(2) They are responsible for cleaving peptide bonds found in proteins. The proteases play an important role in cell wall turnover and are maximally expressed in the stationary phase. Serine proteases have molecular weights ranging f rom 25,000-30,000. They are inhibited by diidopropylfluorophosphate but are resistant to EDTA ( ethylene diamaine tetra acetic acid.) (3) The amino acid sequences of several subtilisins like subtilisin Carlsberg, subtilisin BPN, and subtilisin DY are known. Subtilisin BPN is a 275 amino acid serine protease, which is secreted by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. This enzyme is industrially important and its gene has been cloned and expressed in Bacillus subtilis. This molecule has two enzyme binding sites- one of the site binds weakly to cations and the other one binds calcium with high affinity. These calcium binding sites are common characteristics of microbial proteases since they contribute towards kinetic and thermodynamic stability. Subtilisin is majorly used in industries wherein the environment contains high levels of metal chelators which remove the calcium from subtilisin , thus reducing its stability. It would be highly beneficial to create a stable subtilisin which would be independent of calcium. These mutated subtilisin enzymes will have an enhanced stability even in the presence of detergents and chaotropic ag ents. X-ray crystallographic analysis of mutants revealed that the conformational changes due to the mutations are localized, with very less distortion of the backbone structure. Thus a large increase in stability can be obtained with very minor changes in the protein structure. Mutants can be created by deletion, addition or substitution of amino acids at positions 75-83. The deletion of amino acids 75-83 has shown to eliminate the calcium binding site while still retaining its enzymatic activity. However, calcium free subtilisins are susceptible to proteolysis. This can be overcome by converting the active site serine 221 to cysteine (S221C). This allows the protein to fold without any auto-degradation by proteolysis. A recombinant DNA was created which encoded an active subtilisin protein without the ability to bind to calcium. The protein had no codons which specifies amino acids 75-83 and had certain additional stabilizing mutations at the N-terminal amino acids 1-8 or the ÃŽ ± helix amino acids 70-74 or the helix turn amino acids 84-89. Suitable host cells were transformed with an expression vector containing this DNA segment. Upon culturing the host cells the enzymatically active subtilisin mutant was expressed and recovered.(1) Fabric cleaning compositions containing subtilisin BPN mutants The ability to hydrolyze proteins can be exploited by incorporating these proteases as an additive to laundry detergents. Most of the stains on clothes are proteinaceous and these enzymes can efficiently aid in their removal. The amino acid sequence of the protease is responsible for its characteristics. The subtilisin BPN variants have modifications at 2-3 amino acid positions. This variant has an increased hydrolytic power and decreased adsorption to an insoluble substrate as compared to the original subtilisin. A decreased adsorption to the substrate results in a better cleaning performance. In subtilisin BPN, the amino acids ranging from position 199-220 form a large exterior loop on the molecule. This loop plays an important role in mediating the adsorption of enzyme to the surface bound peptide and mutations in this region will affect the adsorption. The substituting amino acids in case of a mutation are either neutral or negatively charged. The substituting amino acid for position 199 is mostly His, Ala, Cys, Pro, Glu, Asp, Gly, Asn or Gln and for position 207 is Glu or Asp. The cleaning compositions comprise of 0.001-1% of one or more enzyme variants. The enzyme variants can be used along with other conventional ingredients to produce efficient fabric laundry composition. These fabric cleaning compositions also contain various zwitterionic or anionic surfactants, hydrotopes, dyes or pigments, primary or secondary alcohols, chelating agents and brighteners. Fermentation: The Bacillus subtilis cells having the subtilisin mutant are allowed to grow till mid log phase in LB glucose broth and is then inoculated into a fermentor. The cells are grown overnight at 37ËÅ ¡C. Chloramphenicol is added for the antibiotic selection of mutagenized plasmid. The cells are removed from the broth by centrifugation The enzyme is purified by affinity adsorption or cation exchange chromatography. The active enzyme concentration is determined by the pNA assay. ( para nitro anilide) This assay measures the rate at which pNA is released as the enzyme hydrolyses the substrate. The rate at which the yellow colour is produced is measured at 410nm with the help of a spectrophotometer and is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration. The total protein concentration can also be estimated by determining the absorbance at 280nm. (4) Production of subtilisin variants Techniques used in microbiology, molecular biology, protein purification and recombinant DNA technology are all used in developing a subtilisin variant, which is a part of dish washing and fabric cleaning compositions. Cassette mutagenesis method for production of protease variants The gene encoding the protease is sequenced The sequence is screened for a point at which desired mutation can be made The sequences flanking this region are checked for the presence of restriction enzyme site so as to replace a short segment of the gene with an oligonucleotide which will then encode various mutants. The gene is mutated by primer extension The oligonucleotides are synthesized to have the same restriction sites, eliminating the need for synthetic linkers to create the restriction site. The genes coding for serine proteases of B.amyloliquefaciens, B.subtilis and B.licheniformis can be used as targets for mutagenesis. The gene can be inserted into a suitable vector and introduced into a host strain ( Bacillus PB92) for expression and production of mutant proteases. These mutations / substitutions enhance the performance and stability of subtilisin in detergent compositions. These serine proteases can be used in the form of granules and liquid composition both in laundry dishwashing and cosmetic applications. These enzymes are often in the form of encapsulated particles in order to protect it from the other components. Encapsulation also improves the enzyme performance and helps in regulating its availability. The encapsulating material can be derived from carbohydrates, silicates, polyvinyl alcohol, borates, PEG or paraffin waxes. Fabric cleaning performance by Blood Milk Ink microswatch assay. (BWI) This assay is performed on a microtitre plate. Samples of the subtilisin variants and reference subtilisin are obtained from filtered culture broths. 10ul samples of the enzyme are added to the BWI swatch plate along with 90ul of working detergent solution. The plates are incubated for 30 minutes. 100ul of the supernatant is transferred into a new microtiter plate and its absorbance is measured. Control wells contain the detergent solution without the protease sample. The measurement at 450nm tracks pigment removal and at 600nm tracks turbidity and cleaning. The performance index (PI) of the variant is calculated. PI compares the performance of variant and reference enzyme at the same protein concentration. PI>1 the variant is better than the wild type. PI=1 variant and standard have the same performance PI
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Comparison of Hamlet’s Gertrude and Ophelia Essay -- William Shakes
A Comparison of Hamlet’s Gertrude and Ophelia     Queen Gertrude and Ophelia, the main female characters in Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy Hamlet, have a variety of personal qualities and experiences in common. This essay, with the help of literary critics, will explore this commonality. In the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, David Bevington enlightens the reader regarding the similarities between Gertrude and Ophelia as the hero sees them: Yet to Hamlet, Ophelia is no better than another Gertrude: both are tender of heart but submissive to the will of importunate men, and so are forced into uncharacteristic vices. Both would be other than what they are, and both receive Hamlet’s exhortations to begin repentance by abstaining from pleasure. â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery†; â€Å"Assume a virtue if you have it not.†(9) As Bevington says, both Gertrude and Ophelia are â€Å"tender of heart,†motivated by love and a desire for quiet familial harmony among the members of their courtly society in Elsinore. At the first social function in the play, Gertrude is motivated out of love for her son to advise: Dear Hamlet, cast thy nighted color off, And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark. Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust. (1.2) Likewise does she ask that the prince remain with the family: â€Å"Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Hamlet, / I pray thee stay with us, go not to Wittenberg.†Later, when the hero’s supposed â€Å"madness†is the big concern, Gertrude lovingly sides with her husband in the analysis of her son’s condition: â€Å"I doubt it is no other but the main, / His father’s death and our o’erhasty marriage.†Later she confides her family... ...NJ: Hayden Book Co., Inc., 1973. Jorgensen, Paul A. â€Å"Hamlet.†William Shakespeare: the Tragedies. Boston: Twayne Publ., 1985. N. pag. Kermode, Frank. â€Å"Hamlet.†The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Pennington, Michael. â€Å"Ophelia: Madness Her Only Safe Haven.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from â€Å"Hamlet†: A User’s Guide. New York: Limelight Editions, 1996. Pitt, Angela. â€Å"Women in Shakespeare’s Tragedies.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Rpt. from Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Life Changing Desicion Narrative Essay
Sometimes it is difficult to imagine my life decision making such a great impact with in my life while seeming so small. Any decision made in life will co-exist with some type of consequence; in which can be wonderful, terrible, or in between. Even if a decision seems minor, it may create a remarkable impact in any life. As for me, my decision was nearly clear since I was young. Art was always a passion and hobby of mine in which I have always wanted to pursue it as a livelihood. With the decision I have made, I will be able to create an occupation of art by attending Edinboro University! As a child, I have always contemplated the career I would have as an adult. The interesting careers of my thoughts as a child have dramatically changed and would completely disagree with my personality and passion today. I have debated the future career I would chase for the longest time. Finally, I made the decision to become an art teacher last year. After making that decision, I was able to decide the perfect school for the livelihood I am chasing. After applying to two schools and getting accepted to both, I believe I had to make the biggest life altering decision. Each school had great benefits but the reason for choosing Edinboro was the amazing art department and teachers. It was the most suited school for the life I was pursuing. This was probably the most stressful time of my life as well. It would be pretty difficult to turn back from this decision now. It was also a bothersome concept for me to think if I would be college material. The media and even some student make college seem like it is the most difficult time in your life. They even made it seem like each teacher you have will pile 5 hours of homework on you every day. Most make classes seem like 3 hour long lectures and classes with a teacher that will not teach you anything. In reality, the teachers are only there to help you succeed and will do what they can to help you reach your goal. Only certain classes contain plenty of home work while other classes give little to none and classes are not long, everyday, nor are they as large as others make it seem (that is unless you go to a larger college). One thought that has always been put to the test to me and always went through my mind was if my skill was good enough for a college level. Usually I would put many of my skills down and think it could be better. Perhaps that is a good thought because it will motivate me to become better but as an artist, I need to become confident in the things I create. Throughout the semester my skills will definitely improve somewhat rapidly. When people see my creations, they are usually amazed when really; I don’t think it is good. That feeling will always be there; but I will be able to hide it more and have a little more confidence in my work. Everyone always has the concern of going somewhere brand new without knowing a single person beforehand, especially if you will be living there with no family. I was very nervous and anxious as to if people would like me and if I would make friends here. Fortunately, on the second day, I met some people that were similar to me. We have been friends since and the campus is so large, I always see new faces and make friends with new people all the time! After graduating college, I will become happy with my career and my dream of a happy life will come true. College is not as complicated as it may seem to be. It has ups and downs but I’ve made so many friends and I am learning so much. Also, I cannot wait to see how much my artistic skills improve this year. There is still a long way to go, but I believe I have made the best and biggest decision coming to Edinboro.
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